Symmetric-key algorithm

美 [sɪ'metrɪk kiː ˈælɡərɪðəm]英 [sɪ'metrɪk kiː ˈælɡərɪðəm]
  • 网络对称密钥算法;对称密钥加密
Symmetric-key algorithmSymmetric-key algorithm
  1. In this paper we introduced the phylogeny of data encryption algorithm and the mainstream algorithm of symmetric-key algorithm and asymmetric-key algorithm ?


  2. KD-SNFS combines the symmetric-key encryption algorithm and the public-key encryption algorithm to ensure the security of files .


  3. The Blowfish symmetric-key encryption algorithm protects the confidentiality of the files , the key and the initialization vector of a file are auto generated by the file system after the file being created .


  4. According to the research , the major work done is as following : < 1 > Analyzes the symmetric-key encryption algorithm DES and dissymmetric-key encryption algorithm RSA , and makes them easy to realize in hardware .
